8 Ways To Enjoy A Pest-Free New Year

By Kristin M.

We hope 2022 is not only a time for self-reflection and implementing, but a pest-free new year for you! Why not make one that will prove beneficial in the long run and is easy to start? You might have guessed it, but we’re recommending pest control! There are several simple things you can do as each season changes to help reduce pest activity year-round. Combined with ProActive’s expert pest control, these tips will help you minimize insect activity now and throughout the year.

Check–And Store–Decorations Properly

Whether you’re putting decorations up or boxing them up to put away, be mindful of pests like spiders and mice. If you use cardboard boxes, be careful! They are easily chewed through by mice, and can harbor other pests like spiders. If you use a live tree or wreaths, these should be checked before making their way into the home. If your tree is artificial, even these are not immune to pest problems. Insects and spiders may make the tree their home while you are not using it, especially if it is stored in a basement, garage, or attic. Don’t let yourself be surprised by pests when you’re expecting decorations and presents! Use clear plastic bins that seal tightly to prevent any unwanted pests from turning your memories into their homes.

Remove Dead Foliage And Trim Your Live Landscaping

In addition to having a beautifully maintained yard you can be proud of, you will also reduce areas where pests gather, thereby reducing overall pest activity. Trees and shrubs should be at least 6-12 inches away from your foundation, siding and windows to ensure insects cannot climb them and get right onto your house. Any unraked leaves you may still have should be taken care of as well, because this is a prime location for overwintering pests like stink bugs.

Your home is your fortress, and keeping the outside well guarded from insects will make it more difficult for them to get in.

Look For New Entry Points For Pests

Start from the bottom of your house and work your way up as you walk around. Do you see any gaps in the foundation? Maybe there is weatherstripping missing. Do your windows and doors close fully? If you can see light coming through–for example–the area between a door and a frame, that also means pests can be entering! 

Check Your Garage And Garbage Cans

At this time of year, it is important to make sure that your garage is free of pest entry points and that your garbage cans seal properly. If pests like mice or squirrels can get into your garage and your cans are not sealed, odds are likely you will find torn open bags of garbage where you thought you had left tied-off bags of trash. And particularly if bins are kept outside, a tight-fitting lid is crucial to avoid the same problem. Take care of these small issues before they escalate into larger ones to start your year off right.

Examine Gutters For Clogs

Now that the leaves have fallen, gutters may get clogged and ice over, rendering them useless for draining water away from your house. Icicles may be very pretty, but clearing your gutters now ensures that once everything thaws, water drains properly away from your house. This eliminates standing water which can create breeding grounds for pests you might not be thinking about now, but will be hatching over the next few months–like mosquitoes. A little maintenance in the winter can go a long way toward fewer pests in spring!

Ensure Ducts, Filters, And Vents Are Clean

Not only is this basic safety and can help you save on your heating bills, but this is also a great way to take care of small pests that may be camped out in your ducts and vents. Who hasn’t seen a spider skitter into a vent? By keeping them clean, you minimize the possibility of pests making your ductwork their home sweet home. Some people choose to do this themselves, or there are also professional companies whose services you can use–it’s up to you.

Tidy Up–And Keep It That Way

This may sound repetitive, but one of the best ways to reduce and control pest activity is by cleaning up. And by keeping a clean environment, you take away places that insects, spiders and mice will find more enticing because they are piled up or dirty. Maintaining a tidy home is one of the best ways to continually keep pest activity down–with nowhere to hide and nothing to feed on, pests have little reason to set up shop or stick around.

Enjoy a Pest-Free New Year

All of these tips are helpful, but the best way by far to stay pest-free is with regular professional pest control. At ProActive Pest Management, we have years of experience dealing with all types of pests and work with you to create a targeted treatment plan that best suits your needs. Start your year off pest-free by giving us a call at (630) 451-8101 today!