The Ultimate Guide to Spider Information and Facts

All About Spiders

Everyone commonly knows the long 8 8-legged, hairy exoskeleton, 2 main body parts pests known as spiders. With over 40,000 known species, they all vary in size and color and can have 6-8 eyes. Spiders are nearsighted. They have a 3 stage life cycle consisting of:

  • Egg: Up to 3,000 eggs can be laid at a time by a female, and they will go through the larval stage in the egg. 
  • Spiderling: Miniature versions of their adult selves when they emerge from the egg. 
  • Adult: They are fully grown to their size, usually only surviving for a season but can live up to 1-2 years. 

Spiders have an advanced nervous system that can help them sense approaching danger, which helps as they live in solitary life and must defend themselves. On rare occasions, they will form communities with other spiders and build large communal webs. Many will await prey to get caught in them and share it with each other. They can all spin silk and can produce up to 7 types, each being used for a different purpose. 


Spiders are known to hide in corners undisturbed, but also randomly pop up in places that are not frequently visited around your home. Here are some steps to avoid having them make your home theirs. 

  • Maintain your home outside – A way to prevent spiders from making their way inside, is starting to fix things outside. Using caulk to seal gaps and using fine mesh insect screens to cover vents can make a noticeable difference.
  • Maintain your home inside – Regularly dusting and cleaning in corners of your home will prevent them from finding a place to stay. Also, instead of having them find a nice dark untouched belonging to hide in, putting belongings into airtight bins will keep them out. 
  • Organic methods – We understand the importance of wanting to use natural ways inside your home to keep pests away. Using a mix of water and white vinegar and spraying in corners will deter them. Also, using natural scents that they don’t like around your home, such as mint and citrus, will keep them away. 

ProActive Spider Treatments

Our technicians will always start a service with an inspection, inside and outside, to see where the activity is happening, in order to decide the best way to approach it depending on the amount of activity happening. Here is the process of what happens in the area you are having spider trouble in. 

  • Interior Treatment – Our technicians will use a non-repellent product around baseboards and corners of your home, as spiders go into these spaces as their defense. Depending on the amount of activity happening, they can go from room to room or target treat areas of activity. 
  • Exterior Treatment – Before any product is applied, a thorough dewebbing takes place around the outside of your home. The reason for this is it forces spiders to come out of their hiding places and start rebuilding those webs. When the technician applies the product after the de-webbing, it forces the spiders to go through the product and begin to take an effect on them. 

After this service happens, we ask our customers to give the treatment 14 days to see the full effect of the treatment. This gives a chance for unhatched spiders to hatch from the eggs, and also go through any product that is present. If we need to return, it is to break up their egg cycles, which aids in decreasing the population of spiders around your home. Especially during prime spider season, we encourage all our customers to use their unlimited emergency spot treatments to let us help decrease the activity around your home! If you have any questions regarding spiders or the service we offer for them, contact us at (630)451-8101