Summer Pest Prevention Tips

It is a common thing to want to be outside and enjoy the weather, but all the bugs out make it an inconvenience. Here are some summer pest prevention tips that could help make your summer pest-free!

Yard Maintenance Importance

Yard maintenance is an important part of helping make your home pest-free. Common bugs like ants, wasps, and spiders are always seen but there are so many other insects that are attracted to your yard! Here are some helpful tips that could make a difference in your yard!

  • Staining your deck – Maintaining your deck is extremely important in keeping pests away! The untreated wood attracts things like carpenter ants and wasps. Staining your deck once every summer can prevent an infestation of bugs, and you can usually find products at your local hardware store. 
  • Maintaining foliage around your home – Bugs are always attracted to foliage around your home like trees and bushes. Keeping them trimmed and cut away from your home will keep them how everyone likes bugs – at a distance. For example, mosquitos, are heavily dependent on all the foliage, and the less you have, the less activity you will see. 
  • Picking up around your yard – Having a clean and clutter-free yard helps keep activity at a minimum! Leaving pet waste, or garbage unattended, will only make bugs seen more at your home. Picking everything up is a simple and effective way to lessen any and all bugs!

Summer Pest Prevention: Inside and Out

Interior House Maintenance

As a pest control company, we understand the importance of feeling comfortable in your home, and part of that is having little to no bugs. There are so many simple steps that you can incorporate into your daily routine, like wiping down counters after making something, cleaning your table after dinner, and sweeping up your home once a day. Also maintaining the trash in every room and taking it out regularly so it doesn’t build up altogether. Things like this will definitely help with keeping your home bug-free!

Exterior House Maintenance

Maintaining the outside of your home is just as important as inside to make your home pest-free – here are some tips that you could do to make it possible:

  • Keeping gutters clean and clear – Water sources are such a big attraction for bugs. Having the water build up in gutters eventually leads to bugs getting inside. This is why regularly checking there are no leaves or branches in there clogging it and causing water to stay is extremely important!
  • Seal cracks on doors and windows – Everyone loves having the fresh air come into their home when the weather warms up! Eliminating any type of entry points bugs can get in is so important, something simple as a door draft blocker, can eliminate anything getting inside. Also, make sure all window screens are good and have no tears in them, keeping even the tiniest bugs out!

Signs of Pest Activity

Noticing when any activity is beginning is a big help in keeping it from multiplying and getting worse! For example, check your yard and driveway for any ant hills forming, check the side of your home for box elders grouping together, and check the eaves on your home and trees nearby for any wasp nests that need removal. Taking these precautionary measures will definitely help with a decrease in all activity! 

If there are any questions about any summer pest prevention tips, contact our office team at (630) 451-8101