How to Dispose of Mice Droppings Safely

With colder weather here, mice are making their way inside of homes; and it’s important for you to understand how to get rid of mice droppings safely. Mice are a major concern for many reasons, but what do you do after they are dealt with, and you’re left with the nests and droppings? It’s critical to dispose of mouse droppings, as they are known to contain many viruses and bacteria that are a major concern for us.

Here are proper steps to get rid of mice droppings and urine, as outlined by the CDC

First Step:

In order to properly clean mice stool or urine, it’s recommended to wear rubber or plastic gloves.

Second Step:

To ensure that the item is fully saturated with the disinfectant, it is highly recommended that you soak the item in disinfectant for at least five minutes.

Third Step:

To prevent any contamination from spreading even further, you should make sure that immediately after wiping up the affected area, you dispose of the paper towels in a regular garbage can in order to ensure that the paper towels do not become contaminated again.

Fourth Step:

To ensure that the area is disinfected, you should add additional disinfectant to the water before you use a sponge or mop to clean it.

Fifth Step: 

However, you aren’t quite finished yet. Before you remove your gloves, you should wash them with soap and water or with some disinfectant product to make sure that they are clean.

The Final Step To Dispose of Mice Droppings Safely

If you have removed your gloves, you should wash your hands with warm water and soap after removing your gloves as soon as possible.

In order to get rid of mouse droppings from your home, we suggest following these guidelines from the CDC to dispose of mice droppings safely. Call us at (630) 451-8101 to schedule a mouse treatment for your home.