Everything You Need to Know About Carpenter Ants in 60 Seconds

The 411 on Carpenter Ants

The most common type of ants seen in homes throughout the Northern United States is the carpenter ant. In fact, it’s during the early spring, when the temperatures rise and we experience heavy rainfall, that they go through a mating season, sending their winged offspring out to find new homes. The thought of tiny flying ants may not sound like cause for concern, but the truth is, a carpenter ant colony can consist of a few thousand ants and if an entire colony makes your house their home, it can cause major damage and even reduce the value of your home.


Carpenter ants love damp wood, and when it rains heavily, they may be drawn to your home. Carpenter ants don’t eat the damp wood, the nest in it.Over time they can cause noticeable damage to the wood structures in your home, such as window and door frames.


You can find out if you have carpenter ants by looking for the telltale signs. Finding damaged wood throughout your home is a sign, especially if it is accompanied by little piles of sawdust. Those sawdust piles are caused by the ants pushing the wood debris out of their newly hollowed out tunnels. You may also have carpenter ants if you hear rustling sounds in your walls. Finally, it is important to identify the ants themselves. Carpenter ants tend to be much larger than other types of ants. They are usually black or brown, and have tiny pinched waists. They are most active in your home at night  and can usually be seen parading through the kitchen.

If you find carpenter ants in your home, it is important to drive them out sooner rather than later. Carpenter ants can be a tricky pest to get rid of. We recommend using a professional