3 Tips for a Pest Free Home in 2023

Here are 3 easy and simple things that homeowners need to do to make their homes pest-free in 2023. With the ProAtive approach to pest control you’ll find the peace of mind only a pest-free home can provide. It’s important for homeowners to make simple changes this year so that they can feel confident that their homes are free of common pests found in Illinois.

A Clean Home is a Pest Free Home in 2023

Keeping your home clean will reduce the attraction of pests since they are attracted to dirt, crumbs, and untouched areas. Cleaning up the mess around the house will lessen their attraction as well. You should not only clean the parts of your home that you use regularly, but also the rooms you tend to less frequently use. In order to prevent pest nesting and avoid unseen pest damage, you need to clean your basement, attic, and garage at least once a year. 

Keep food in a dry and clean place

Store leftovers in sealed plastic containers, or in the original packaging, to reduce pest damage to your food. Clean your refrigerator and pantry regularly with a disinfectant. You should be discarding expired food regularly. If possible, invest in plastic storage for your pantry, and your food will not only have less pests but stay fresh longer!

Inspect & Seal Entry Points Regularly

Inspect your home regularly for damage and repair as necessary. Pests often enter through small cracks or openings throughout the house. Seal small gaps and cracks in your home with Silicone. It’s important you replace damaged weatherstripping, which is relatively easy and affordable to DIY.

The ProActive Approach to a Pest Free Home in 2023

In 2023, there is no need for you to spend any more time fighting pest issues and investing in pest prevention. Call us today at (630) 451-8101 to find out how to enjoy a pest free home in 2023.